
Your Donation Makes Waves

Every drop in the ocean counts, and so does every donation to the Captain Paul Watson Foundation. Your generosity keeps us sailing forward, expanding our fleet and maintaining the vessels that are crucial for our direct-action campaigns. You become the lifeline for endangered species, giving them a fighting chance against the threats they face every day.

Become a Pirate Patron:
Your recurring support creates a ripple effect, spreading awareness and inspiring action during this pivotal time for our oceans. As a thank you for your steadfast support, after your second monthly donation, we will send you a 10% discount code for our shop – and we’ll cover the shipping. Watch your inbox for this token of gratitude.

Special Token of Appreciation:
As a thank you for your steadfast support, after your second monthly donation, we will send you a 10% discount code for our shop – and we’ll cover the shipping. Watch your inbox for this token of gratitude.


Already a donor? There’s another way to show support for the Foundation by becoming a Fundraiser for the Ocean and sharing our mission with your family and friends. Create a wave of change by setting up your campaign page today. Your leadership can inspire others to join our voyage towards a sustainable future for our oceans.

Empower the Ocean’s Guardians: Your Donation Makes Waves

Support the Captain Paul Watson Foundation’s mission to protect our oceans. By getting involved, you’re not just a supporter—you’re a leader in the movement for healthy marine ecosystems. Your actions contribute to a global effort that preserves the ocean’s natural beauty for the future.